Thursday, April 19, 2012

Podcast for Listening Skill

Podcast is a type of digital media which allow users to download or record the radio show and listen to it on your iPod or other MP3 player anytime. Also, the user can create his or her own “radio-style show” and broadcast it to the world. The language teacher can use podcast in their classroom and help students to improve their listening skill or create related activities.

Here is an example of a good podcast: Commuting by Train that I found from ESL Pod. This is designed for English learners who want to improve their listening skill. The host introduces today’s topic and then play a conversation between two people. The speakers talk very slowly and clearly. I think that it is a really good material for beginning level learners. Also, the teacher can play this conversation and teach students how to catch the main ideas and the details of the conversation. They can listen many times if they miss one of the dialogue or words. After they listen the conversation, the teacher can show the script of the dialogue to students and teach them how to use the new words and sentences.

ESL Pod has variety of topics. Learners or teachers can choose any topics they are interested in and utilize in the listening class or activities. This is a really good teaching tool and website.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

ePals where Learners Connect

The ePals is a global collaboration learning sites for educators, students and parents all around the world. This platform provides users with a safety and security learning environment. The schools and educators can offer a multiple learning experience for students and protect learners’ right or safety when using this learning platform. Moreover, the ePals global community enables users to learn, share and contact with people who have the same interest around the world. This is different from the traditional social learning networks which usually connect with people that we have already known and learned in the same places or classrooms. The ePals provides educators and learners an opportunity to explore their interest and learn the languages through the real-world connection.

Some Excellent Learning Features for Students:
  • Biodiversity: Learn the background of nature science and explore the ecosystem
  • Efilms: Exchange thought-provoking questions and answers about film topics
  • Storytelling: Allow learners to use their imagination to build up their stories and tell stories by their own way.
  • Student Forum & Book Club: Discuss any topics of interest with ePals users and share the books you have read

Some Useful Teaching Features for Teachers:
  • NetGeo Projects: Several interesting projects that you can utilize in the classroom for students to discuss
  • Community Media: Teachers can share their teaching materials and plan to other teachers and exchange ideas.
  • Resources: It provides several links for different purposes. Ex. International Reading Association, Training resources, and Smithsonian On ePals……etc.

The program possesses a lot of features and functions for both teachers and learners to enhance their teaching materials and increase their knowledge on languages and academic information. Every learners will be enjoy and have a lot of fun through this websites.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Voice Thread: A Classroom Learning Tool

The Voice Thread provides several convenient tools for teachers to utilize in their classroom. The teacher can create a topic by the voice thread and students can comment their opinions by typing, recording voice and videos outside of the classroom. The teacher can also use the Voice Thread to assign homework for students. This is different from the traditional paper homework that students hand in. Learners can write their homework through the Internet, and they can also view other people’s comment and think from different angles while reading the comments.

I commented on Meng and Ye’s Voice Thread. Meng created a Voice Thread which asked learners to practice a variety of adjectives and described the picture. This is very interesting activity for beginning level students. The pictures are attractive and students can use any adjectives that they have already known. The other voice thread that I felt practical is Ye’s. She asked students to choose one approach that they think is a good approach on their learning. The teacher can see students’ preference and try to adjust her/ his teaching approach in the classroom, so students can benefit from these approaches.

 My Voice thread is to ask learners to share their countries and recommend any famous places or scenery spots that they think visitors can miss it. Because my first lesson is about travel, I hope learners can think about their travel experience and share with classmates. They will feel interesting and it could be an ice-breaking activity in the classroom. I hope my students will enjoy the lesson.  

Friday, April 6, 2012

Comic Strips Makes Learning Interesting

Do you still use the traditional teaching skills in your classroom, like text-books, handout and paper materials? Would you like to try the different learning approach for your students? Try to use the photo stories or comic strips with technology which makes your classroom more interesting and interactive.
This is my comic strips which I made by Dvolver

This tool helps teachers or learners to create their comic strips with the ready-make characters, scenes and music. Also, it is an animated movie, so students will be attracted by the colorful scenes and dynamic sounds. This tool can be utilized in all learning skills, especially for communication classroom. The teacher can ask students to create their own stories with comic strips or movies. They can use their imagination to make a dialogue and share with classmates. This making process not only gives students a chance to practice the grammar but increase their learning motivation.
Why don't you start to use this amazing learning tool in your classroom? Have Fun.

There are other links for making photo stories and comic strips:
Stupeflix,  Animoto and GoAnimate

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Let's Tell a Story with the Digital Tool.

Have you ever use such a Digital tool to tell a story in the second language classroom? Let's take a look how wonderful this great Digital tool is. We are going to take a trip in Taiwan to explore the beautiful scenery and visit the famous spot sites. Are you nervous? Let's go!!!!

This is my story book Let's take a trip to Taiwan. which was created by bookr. Bookr is a tool to create and share your own photobook. Teachers can create their photobook, like mine "Let's take a trip to Taiwan" or they can focus on one topic, such as shopping, movie, travel, and entertainment. In the second language learning class, the teacher can show the picture with some vocabularies and sentences so students will feel interesting and they can connect the vocabularies with the pictures easily. It is a quite easy photobook making machine. The teacher can also teach students how to create their phtobook and it can be one of their assignment.

For example, when the spring break or summer vacation is coming, the teacher can ask students to add some photo that they visit or some places that they want to go. Students will try to look up the vocabularies that relate to their pictures through this assignment. They can share with other classmates and they can also learn the new words from other people. It is a really interesting language learning styles, right? Why do you start to make your own photobook for your classroom? Have FUN!!

Amazing Digital Storytelling

DSC_5621 by Kiifu, on Flickr
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License

by Kiifu 

What is Digital Storytelling? How does this amazing function make your story different and interesting?

The article "7 things you should know about Digital Sotrytelling" describes the concept of Digital storytelling is that Digital storytelling is the practice of combing narrative with digital content, including images, sound, and video, to create a short movie, typically with a strong emotional component.  Moreover, the another article The Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling defines Digital Storytelling is the practice of using computer-based tools to tell stories. Also it contains some mixture of computer-based images, text, recorded audio narration, video clips and/or music.

                Now, you have a clear idea about what the Digital Storytelling is. In the traditional language classroom, the teacher usually applies the same approach and invariable teaching strategies to language learning. Why don’t you change your materials and methods in the classroom and make students feel more excited and raise their motivation? Teachers can use Digital storytelling in many ways. For example, in the writing class, the teacher can ask students to keep a diary or journal and post their photos or videos that are related to their diary. It can make their story colorful and appearing.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Fun Twitter on Learning

Internet technology is increasing dramatically nowadays. More and more internet tools were created and updated every day. Learning from the Internet is a popular trend for people and makes learning more lively and interesting. There are a lot of famous Internet tools for learners, like Facebook, Blogger and so on. Today I am going to introduce one of the popular Internet tool: Twitter for teachers in their classroom.
Twitter is an online social networking service and microblogging service that enables the users to read the latest text-based posts and send to their friends or any opening social networking websites.

In the classroom, teachers can use twitter as their teaching tools outside of the classroom. There is a link of using twitter for teachers: 28 Creative Ways Teachers Are Using Twitter
Through the Twitter, teachers and students have chance to enhance their relationship and have more interactions after the class. The teacher can announce any class information and emergency notification to their students. Moreover, students can response and answer any questions through the classroom twitter. It is a very convenient and effective Internet tools in the classroom learning.

Then, there is another link to teach how to use twitter for social learning for both teachers and learners:How to use Twitter for Social Learning
This website describes different purpose of using twitter in learning. For example, using twitter as a live presentation. Click on the link Live Presentation Streaming on Twitter and follow the steps. You can use this new tools for your  presentation which is different ideas from your peers.

Twitter provides a social space for teachers and students on their learning more efficiently and creatively. Hope everyone can explore their interests and develop learning strategies from Twitter.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Social Networking for English Learning

EFL Classroom 2.0 is an amazing website that benefits both learners and language teachers. EFL provides a variety of language tools for teachers to utilize in the classroom. It also contains three skills, listening, reading and writing for learners to improve English.  Everyone can join the members and post any articles or videos that are related to the English learning or talking about their experience. I think that is really helpful for new teachers to get ideas in their teaching skills.

The Benefits for Teachers:

  • There are numbers of tools for teachers to download. Ex. Interesting Timers, certificate makers and lesson plan forms…..etc.
  • Course book: There is a course book that contains a variety of games and practice activity that the teacher can use in the classroom.
  • Newsletter: It provides the latest information or new ideas and tools for teachers to enhance their teaching skills.
  • Forum: The forum gives teachers a entrance to discuss and find the specific materials that they want.
  • Voice thread: For language classroom and it becomes an online group tools for all classmates to share information and write opinions.

The Benefits for Learners:

  • Stories: There are a lot of interesting stories that are suitable for younger learners.
  • Game: The games are animated and colorful that learners would feel fun and interesting.
  • Video: It contains all levels videos. Learners can choose any level they want and practice listening skills.
  • Quiz: There are some games with short practices and quizzes. Learners can test themselves after playing the game.

There are a lot of useful English learning websites nowadays. Learners can not only learn from the classroom but from the technology. Also, the teacher can present some interesting learning website to students or videos during the class. It will make English learning more interesting and lively.

What is A Learner Like???

An iphone

A learner is like an iphone. Why do I say like? After I read the article "Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age"about connetivisim, I realized that our world is developing in an amazing speed nowadays. Learners do not just learn from the field that they are interested in, but they absorb a variety of knowledge and enhance their experience through a wide range of field. Iphone is one of the tremendous technological products now. The iphone was invented from the first generation to the fourth generation and it will continue growing and be added more and more tools as well as functions in one technological product. Like human beings, learners keep learning the new things and knowledge from different aspects. We discard the old beliefs or get rid of obsolete knowledge. Then, we continue to update our brain with the latest information. As the author stated that “One of the most persuasive factors is the shrinking half-life of knowledge. That is the time span from when knowledge is gained to when it becomes obsolete. The amount of knowledge in the world has doubled in the past 10 years and is doubling every 18 months (Siemens,2011)

Moreover, Siemens brings up a point that another related connection to the connectivism is technology. In the video The Network is the Learning gave the explanation that "If I'm not continually learning, I'm becoming obsolete in my particular field. A network continually evolves and continually re-forms itself. So when I talk about the network as the learning, I'm essentially referring to that construct that we as individuals that enables us to stay current and to continue to learn" The technology create a bridge for people to connect to each other. And the network makes it possible for people to reinforce their knowledge efficiently and effectively. For our future, people’s needed is more important than what they possess and our world and knowledge would continue evolving and growing.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Teaching Channel: An Excellent Website for All Teachers

Teaching Channel -Best Practice Videos and Lessons is my favorite post that I found in the blog named Free Technology for Teachers.
This post shared a teaching website named Teaching Channel with various videos that the teachers presented in the classroom. The arrangement of the website is clear and neat for Internet players to find out the specific topic that they want. It is categorized according to grade level, subject, and topic, so players can choose the one they are looking for efficiently.

Why I am interested in this post because I think being a teacher, we have to find out the latest teaching methods and apply in our classroom or create our own teaching skills with lively and energetically. Moreover, different teachers have their own teaching styles, and we can learn and imitate from those teachers or try any teaching method that we haven’t utilized in our own classroom. Especially for a new teacher, they don’t have any teaching experience, so this website is a really good guideline for these new teachers.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Why Don’t We Bring Technology into Our Classroom?

Technology has already involved in our life. We use computer to help us to do work effectively. People bring the cellphone with them in order to contact with others anytime. Learners use ipod or electronic dictionary to help them learn more efficiently. Technology enriches our life and improves people’s knowledge completely. Why don’t we bring technology into our classroom?

I listed some advantages of using technology in the classroom and their learning.

·         Computer assists instruction to drill

Ex. Teachers represent power point to the class. Students can read the information and points easily and clearly.

·         Video and audio technologies

Ex. Different students have different strengths. For those students who are visual/ spatial or musical /rhythmic intelligent students, these technology tools help these learners develop their abilities. Moreover, video and audio technologies make class material more interesting.

·         Learning from the Internet

Ex. The teacher can show the related articles or information to students during the class or the teacher can teach students to search any articles they are interested in. It’s a part of learning, not just lean from textbook.

·         Distance learning

Ex. Students’ learning is not limited in the traditional classroom, and they can also enhance their knowledge outside of the classroom, like using computer at home and the library.

·         Updating students’ knowledge and skills

Ex. The teacher provides the latest news and program to students and teach them new skills, like learning English through websites.

The studied said that 70% of our nation’s 4-6 year-old have used a computer and most of the teenagers or college students have already had smart technology devices, like ipod, iphone and ipad. They might type the points that the professor provide in the computer during the class. For language learning students, they use iphone or electronic dictionary to look up the vocabulary that they don’t know in the classroom. These technologies have found to have positive effects on students learning and motivate their interest in academic skills. So if the teacher can bring technology  into their teaching, the classroom and students would feel more energetic and improve students’ learning motivation.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Be a smart Internet Player

Internet is a common and world technology in our life nowadays. Even if Internet is a smart and convenient tool, it still has some risks if we are unaware of it.  There are some tips for being a smart Internet player.
1. Do not post any personal information on the Internet.
Never post or write any your personal information on the website, blog, or Facebook. The personal information includes your ID number, your credit card number or your any account information. There are a lot of hackers will try to steal your information through Internet. Also, be sure to log out any website you are using.

2.  Do not open any e-mail that you don’t know
 There are a lot of hackers who send you an interesting file or content to your e-mail address. They try to let your computer be attacked by virus or thief your information through the website that they create. Don’t believe them and do not open it.

3. Do not download any software or install any programs that you don’t know.
If you want to download some software during the Internet, be sure to ask any computer experts or friends who have experience in these software or program. There are a lot of dangerous software or program that will harm your computer.

4. Be aware of any weird websites
There are a lot of advertisements on the Home page or some business website. If you are not familiar with the name or the brand of the advertisement, do not click on it. Some of them are created by hackers who try to attack your computer.

5. Browse websites or play games with your friends and family
Children and teenagers like to play on-line games and learn from Internet. Remember to browse any website with your family or friends that you do not know. Parents should also accompany their children when playing the computer.

Website's Link: Internet Safety
                          Help Your Child Learn to Use Internet Properly and Effectively

Friday, January 27, 2012

Meet Blog Standards

Blog is a personal journal published on the World Wide Web. Everyone can use blog and create their own blog. They can share their latest news, information or articles from the blog which is an efficient way for people to get along with any other in the world through technology.

There are three standards that we will meet from blogging in the language classroom.

1. Your own diary

Standard1. b. Students create original works as a means of personal or group expression.

Nowadays many kids, teenagers, students enjoy using blog as their secret spot or opening-feeling site. They keep their diary in the blog instead of writing in the diary book. They share their feelings, ideas, thought and things that happen during a day. The blog could also be blocked and read by themselves or share with specific people. As the study said, diary-keeping for teenagers is a therapeutic way. Moreover, using the blog as a diary-keeping tool for therapeutic value is even better.

I used to use blog to keep diary. I felt that is convenient and more interesting because I could also post some pictures and songs in my blog to reveal my emotion. Sometimes my friends can respond my feeling and give me some comment or suggestions. It is a kind of bridge for you and your friend to make a closer friendship.

 Website's Link: ISTE
Article's Link:A Blog as Therapy for Teenagers

2. Communication
Standard 2. Communication and Collaboration
Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.

Internet is a powerful techonolgy nowadys, so learners can not only obtain thier information in schools, like library and langauge lab, but they can get knowledge thorugh Internet. Blog is one of the example, for shy students, they may not talk a lot in the classroom, but they might express their feeling with passion through the blog like writing their thought, opinions and reflections.They feel more comfortable when communicate with people using the technology tools.  

The other example is that the teacher can create their own classroom blog and post any information and articles sharing with students.  Moreover, the teacher can post a topic of second langauge in the blog, like defining the term "interlanguage" and ask classmates to find any relative information and comment on it. Through the blog, other studnets can read otehr students' thought and write their own opinions.

 When students use the blog as their learning tool, it also give them a chance to  collaborate with each other through digital media outside of the classroom. I have my experiecne of using blog as second language leaerning. When I was preparing the TOEFL, our cram school teacher share his blog which contains a lot of information about testing the TOEFL. He posted some English articles and learning skills on the blog. He also provided past TOEFL sample for us to download and practice. When students have problems about learning English and test, we can write our questions and comments on the blog. It is useful for the teacher and students to contact and exchange ideas.

Website's Link: ISTE
Website's Link: Blogs for Learning

3. Communities

Standard 5 Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home & Around the world

  • Standard 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting
  • Standard 5.2: Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for personal enjoyment and enrichment.

Internet can be a useful tools for every learners in anywhere and anytime. When a student learn their second langauge, they can find abundant information through the Internet, not only at schools. For example, blog is an entrance for blogger to share the articles and latest news. In the classroom, teachers can post the interesting articles and news on the blog such as health, sports, movies and education news. Also, post video or music which is related to thier topic of second languge learning. Students can read these news through the blog and enhance their knowledge at any time, and the vieo and musci would make langauge learning more interesting whihc is deffernet learning styles like sitting in the classroom. Moreover, the teacher can ask students to write their reflections, comments, summary on the blog after they read the articles. On the other hand, students can also share their own articles which they interested in with their classmates. In this way, blog not only makes teachers and learners closer and makes learning more interesting.

Website's Link: ACTFL