Saturday, March 31, 2012

Let's Tell a Story with the Digital Tool.

Have you ever use such a Digital tool to tell a story in the second language classroom? Let's take a look how wonderful this great Digital tool is. We are going to take a trip in Taiwan to explore the beautiful scenery and visit the famous spot sites. Are you nervous? Let's go!!!!

This is my story book Let's take a trip to Taiwan. which was created by bookr. Bookr is a tool to create and share your own photobook. Teachers can create their photobook, like mine "Let's take a trip to Taiwan" or they can focus on one topic, such as shopping, movie, travel, and entertainment. In the second language learning class, the teacher can show the picture with some vocabularies and sentences so students will feel interesting and they can connect the vocabularies with the pictures easily. It is a quite easy photobook making machine. The teacher can also teach students how to create their phtobook and it can be one of their assignment.

For example, when the spring break or summer vacation is coming, the teacher can ask students to add some photo that they visit or some places that they want to go. Students will try to look up the vocabularies that relate to their pictures through this assignment. They can share with other classmates and they can also learn the new words from other people. It is a really interesting language learning styles, right? Why do you start to make your own photobook for your classroom? Have FUN!!

Amazing Digital Storytelling

DSC_5621 by Kiifu, on Flickr
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic License

by Kiifu 

What is Digital Storytelling? How does this amazing function make your story different and interesting?

The article "7 things you should know about Digital Sotrytelling" describes the concept of Digital storytelling is that Digital storytelling is the practice of combing narrative with digital content, including images, sound, and video, to create a short movie, typically with a strong emotional component.  Moreover, the another article The Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling defines Digital Storytelling is the practice of using computer-based tools to tell stories. Also it contains some mixture of computer-based images, text, recorded audio narration, video clips and/or music.

                Now, you have a clear idea about what the Digital Storytelling is. In the traditional language classroom, the teacher usually applies the same approach and invariable teaching strategies to language learning. Why don’t you change your materials and methods in the classroom and make students feel more excited and raise their motivation? Teachers can use Digital storytelling in many ways. For example, in the writing class, the teacher can ask students to keep a diary or journal and post their photos or videos that are related to their diary. It can make their story colorful and appearing.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Fun Twitter on Learning

Internet technology is increasing dramatically nowadays. More and more internet tools were created and updated every day. Learning from the Internet is a popular trend for people and makes learning more lively and interesting. There are a lot of famous Internet tools for learners, like Facebook, Blogger and so on. Today I am going to introduce one of the popular Internet tool: Twitter for teachers in their classroom.
Twitter is an online social networking service and microblogging service that enables the users to read the latest text-based posts and send to their friends or any opening social networking websites.

In the classroom, teachers can use twitter as their teaching tools outside of the classroom. There is a link of using twitter for teachers: 28 Creative Ways Teachers Are Using Twitter
Through the Twitter, teachers and students have chance to enhance their relationship and have more interactions after the class. The teacher can announce any class information and emergency notification to their students. Moreover, students can response and answer any questions through the classroom twitter. It is a very convenient and effective Internet tools in the classroom learning.

Then, there is another link to teach how to use twitter for social learning for both teachers and learners:How to use Twitter for Social Learning
This website describes different purpose of using twitter in learning. For example, using twitter as a live presentation. Click on the link Live Presentation Streaming on Twitter and follow the steps. You can use this new tools for your  presentation which is different ideas from your peers.

Twitter provides a social space for teachers and students on their learning more efficiently and creatively. Hope everyone can explore their interests and develop learning strategies from Twitter.